Tag: options trade
3 Stocks To Sell Now

As impressive as last week’s 6.6% rally in the S&P 500 was, it didn’t change the structure of the entrenched downtrend. Instead, it was a garden-variety retracement returning prices directly into resistance. Those who viewed the rebound with suspicion were vindicated on Tuesday when sellers returned en mass at the declining 20-day moving average. With a new […]
Stop Trading Options Like Stocks (Gamestop Example)

“Options are the same as stocks, just cheaper!” Ever heard a pitch start like that? Well, it’s wrong. Crazy wrong. Options trade much differently than stocks, and thus why it’s easier to lose money with options (and this is coming from a 20+ year options trader). One key difference is… Find out here This article […]
3 Options Trades For The Hottest Stocks On The Street

Compelling setups beckon for BA, NFLX and AMD Earnings season is drawing to a close, and I’m finding it much easier to discover trade ideas for individual stocks. Today we’ll look at three of the best post-earnings setups and build-out options trades to capitalize on. Nothing ignites volatility quite like an earnings announcement, and these […]
Is The Low Volatility Market At An End?

2019 can be roughly divided into two market regimes. There were periods of high volatility and market choppiness, notably in June, August, and early October. Then, there were the stretches of low and falling volatility – January through May and mid-October through the end of the year. It certainly seemed like January of 2020 was […]