Tag: calls

How To Make Triple-Digit Profits With Options

| February 24, 2022
How To Make Triple-Digit Profits With Options

Once you start looking for option trades on your own, the most important thing you can do to find trades with triple-digit profit potential is staying up on the news. The market and stocks in general move up and down over time, and the key is to identify these cycles. You will learn to decipher […]

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Stocks Are Plunging – Is Gold The Right Hedge?

| February 28, 2020
Stocks Are Plunging – Is Gold The Right Hedge?

When the stock market does its best impression of a swan dive, it tends to come from an unexpected catalyst. It’s generally not something about interest rates or corporate earnings or jobless numbers. Those factors matter over time, but they don’t usually cause sudden, severe moves in the market. No, very large selloffs often come […]

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Will Stocks Continue To Rally Despite The Coronavirus Scare?

| February 7, 2020
Will Stocks Continue To Rally Despite The Coronavirus Scare?

The stock market can be a crazy place. The unpredictability of the financial markets is what makes them so exciting and challenging for traders (and investors). While the long-term direction of stocks has always been up, there are definitely significant periods of volatility over shorter time frames. For instance, this year we’ve already had a […]

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How To Read Options Activity For Clues To A Move

| January 24, 2020
How To Read Options Activity For Clues To A Move

Using option activity as an indicator of impending price moves is difficult, subjective, and unreliable. That being said, it can help confirm other indicators and increase the probability of a profitable trade. Indeed, there have been many situations in which activity in the options pits accurately predicts or presages an impending price move. There are […]

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3 Tech Stocks To Play Ahead Of Earnings

| January 17, 2020
3 Tech Stocks To Play Ahead Of Earnings

Reduce risk into earnings for AAPL, MSFT and AMD stock Tech stocks are running into earnings season with big profits in the bag. Sector leading companies like Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) have generated double-digit gains since their last quarterly reports. Shareholders’ hopes are running high that the upcoming earnings will be good enough to keep the rally […]

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