Tag: hedge
To Hedge Your Portfolio For Free
Jay Soloff |
June 16, 2022

An intriguing way to hedge your portfolio’s downside risk for essentially no cost is by using a put spread collar. A large zero-cost put spread collar was placed last week on the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY). The trader sold calls and used the proceeds to purchase a put spread. The position will give a […]
Stocks Are Plunging – Is Gold The Right Hedge?
Jay Soloff |
February 28, 2020

When the stock market does its best impression of a swan dive, it tends to come from an unexpected catalyst. It’s generally not something about interest rates or corporate earnings or jobless numbers. Those factors matter over time, but they don’t usually cause sudden, severe moves in the market. No, very large selloffs often come […]